As parents, we want to swoop in and save our children from any heartache whenever possible. However, it is also important that our children learn from their action or inaction through natural consequences. This approach emphasizes the importance of natural consequences in shaping responsible and independent individuals.

For example, if your child leaves their homework assignment at home, instead of bringing it to them, which may make you feel better, let your child feel the consequence from the situation. Understanding the importance of natural consequences in such scenarios helps children recognize the direct results of their actions. It’s better that they learn life lessons when the lesson is smaller than waiting until they are adults and the consequence is much bigger.

Natural consequences teach accountability and foster problem-solving skills. When a situation arises where your child did not follow through with a task, ask yourself, “Will this be a good opportunity for them to learn?” and “What is my motivation behind wanting to save them?” These questions put into perspective the importance of natural consequences in your child’s development as well as how comfortable you are in allowing natural consequences to unfold.

As a parent, I have learned so much about myself, where I am at in terms of old stories and habits, what wounding from childhood still exists, along with some of my greatest life lessons.

You can use the BE Your Influence Parenting Barometer™ I created as your guide.

Using a scale from 0-10,

  • If we are operating between a 3 – 7, this is considered a neutral emotion.
  • Anything above, 8-10, is considered an overreaction and,
  • 0-2 is an under reaction.

An under or over reaction could be a red flag that this topic/situation is bringing up an unhealed time in your life – and this is an opportunity for you to explore, release, and heal it.

In addition, allowing children to experience the importance of natural consequences builds their resilience and prepares them for adult life. They become better equipped to handle future challenges independently, knowing they can overcome obstacles without the constant intervention of a parent. Afterall, one of our main goals as a parent is to successfully launch our children into baby adulthood.

So, just take a deep breath and remind yourself that you are helping your child to become a more responsible human. You’ve got this! Embrace the importance of natural consequences, and watch your child grow into a confident and capable individual.