Managing Conversations that Escalate

Managing Conversations that Escalate

We have all been there at one time or another when a seemingly innocent conversation with our child takes a turn for the worse. It could be that they are tired, hungry or feeling stressed? Maybe it is the topic itself that makes them feel uncomfortable for one reason...
Importance of Natural Consequences

Importance of Natural Consequences

As parents, we want to swoop in and save our children from any heartache whenever possible. However, it is also important that our children learn from their action or inaction through natural consequences. This approach emphasizes the importance of natural...
Emotions Behind the Behavior

Emotions Behind the Behavior

When we focus solely on the behavior our child is exhibiting, we often miss the underlying pain that the behavior is trying to protect. Children, much like adults, exhibit behaviors as a response to their emotional states. However, unlike adults, they might lack the...